十大正规网赌软件网站(以下简称“网站”)上的所有资料, 包括但不限于所有信息文本, 照片, 图形, audio, video, 消息, 文件, 文档, 图像或其他材料(统称), “材料”), 无论是公开发布还是私下传输, 以及所有的衍生作品, 归(“我们”)所有, "Us") or other parties that have licensed their Materials to and is protected by copyright, 商标法和其他知识产权法. 拒绝对商标的任何专有权益, 服务商标, 标志, 口号, 除了自己的域名和商品名. 商标, 标志, images and 服务商标 displayed on the Site are the property of either or other third parties. 你不能复制, 繁殖, 重新发布, 修改, 下载, 帖子, 传输, 或以任何方式分发本网站的任何材料, 包括代码和软件, 未经商标所有人或商标所有人事先书面许可.
不得复制本网站的资料, 复制, 转载, 下载, 发布, 传播, 或者以任何方式分布, 包括通过电子邮件或其他电子方式. 材料的任何修改, 在任何网站或网络计算机环境中使用材料, 或将资料用于个人以外的任何目的, 非商业用途是侵犯版权, 商标, 以及材料中的其他专有权利,并被明确禁止. 另外, 任何设备的使用, software or routine that interferes or attempts to interfere with the proper working of the Site is expressly 禁止ed.
Please note that we assume no responsibility for reviewing unsolicited ideas for our business, 比如产品或广告创意, and will not incur any liability 作为…的结果 any similarities that may appear in future products or services. 通过提交材料或想法, 您放弃就材料或创意获得任何形式补偿的权利. Any and all rights to Materials and ideas submitted to Us become the exclusive property of Public Hospital District #1 of King County.
如果任何链接提供连接您到第三方网站, 这是作为住宿,以各自的第三方网站所有者和免费. Websites linked to and from this Site are not necessarily under the control of and we will have no responsibilities or liabilities whatsoever for the content or privacy practices of any such linked site or any link or linking program 在任何时候. does not necessarily endorse companies (or related products or services) whose sites are linked to or from this Site. 如果您决定访问链接到本网站的任何第三方网站, 这样做的风险完全由你自己承担.
本网站及其内容均按“现状”和“可用情况”提供,”“还有所有的保证, 明示或暗示, 是否认, 包括但不限于, 任何对适销性的默示保证, 安静的享受, 非侵权和适合于特定目的. 我们不对因网站错误而造成的损害或损失负责, 网站或互联网上的内容. 另外, THE SITE MAY BE UNAVAILABLE UNEXPECTEDLY AS A RESULT OF ERRORS OR CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND OUR CONTROL.
At VMC, your personal privacy and the security of your personal information are of primary concern. Under no circumstances will sell or share any personal information about you to or with any person or organization except those authorized by you, 或根据法律或法院命令的要求. 通过提供电子邮件地址, 您允许我们跟进电子通讯和其他电子通信. 我们不出售或交换任何电子邮件地址. 阅读我们的 隐私政策.
进一步的问题 如果您对我们的法律声明有任何疑问或意见,请 十大正规网赌软件.
在任何十大正规网赌软件的社交媒体网站上发帖即表示您同意这些条款. 十大正规网赌软件 (“VMC”) has opened publicly facing pages on social media sites for viewing content and/or videos and 发布 comments about VMC. 这些社交媒体网站包括但不限于Facebook, 唽, YouTube, VMC的博客, 或其他用户生成内容网站(“社交媒体网站”). 通过访问, viewing and/or 发布 any content related directly or indirectly to VMC on any Social Media Site on the internet, 你接受, 不受限制或限制, 以下是使用条款. 如果您不同意本政策的条款, 您不得在互联网上的任何VMC社交媒体网站上查看或发布任何内容. 您使用VMC社交媒体网站即表示接受并确认本政策.
- If you are a VMC employee you must adhere to the VMC MEDIA AND SOCIAL NETWORKING POLICY 发布 on the VMC Intranet site.
- 您必须年满18岁才能在任何社交媒体网站上发布任何内容.
- 任何时候都必须遵守HIPAA准则. Clinicians: you must obtain a signed consent form for any images 发布 to 十大正规网赌软件’s Facebook pages. 客人:请不要发布私人健康信息. Please note that any medical commentary 发布 on 十大正规网赌软件’s Facebook pages is the sole opinion of the writer and does not express the views or opinions of 十大正规网赌软件.
- 作为嘉宾在任何VMC社交媒体网站上发布内容, 您同意您不会违反任何本地的, 状态, 联邦和国际法律法规, including but not limited to copyright and intellectual property rights laws regarding any content that you send or receive via this Policy; 传输 any material (by uploading, 发布, 电子邮件或其他方式)是非法的, 颠覆性的, 威胁, 亵渎, 虐待, 骚扰, 令人尴尬的, 曲折的, 诽谤, 淫秽, 诽谤的, 或者是对他人隐私的侵犯, 是仇恨还是种族歧视, ethnically or otherwise objectionable as solely determined at VMC’s discretion; impersonate any person or entity or falsely 状态 or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity; 传输 any material (by uploading, 发布, email or otherwise) that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships; 传输 any material (by uploading, 发布, 电子邮件或其他方式)侵犯任何专利, 商标, 商业秘密, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party; 传输 (by uploading, 发布, email or otherwise) any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising (including advertising of non VMC services or products), 宣传材料, “垃圾邮件,”“垃圾邮件,连锁信," "pyramid schemes" or any other form of solicitation; 传输 any material (by uploading, 发布, 包含软件病毒的电子邮件(或其他), 蠕虫, 禁用代码, 或任何其他计算机代码, 为中断而设计的文件或程序, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment; harass another; or collect or store, 或试图收集或储存, personal data about third parties without their knowledge or consent; or to share confidential pricing information of any party.
- VMC保留监控的权利, 禁止, 限制, 块, 暂停, 终止, 删除, 或停止访问任何VMC社交媒体网站, 在任何时候, 恕不另行通知. VMC可以移除, 删除, 块, VMC自行决定以任何其他方式过滤或限制任何材料. You understand and agree that VMC may disclose your communications and activities with VMC in response to lawful requests by governmental authorities, 包括爱国者法案要求, 司法的订单, 搜查令或传票, 或者保护VMC的权利. 您同意,如果VMC出于任何原因行使其在本协议项下的任何权利, VMC对你没有任何责任.
- 在任何社交媒体网站上发布任何内容, 您授予VMC不可撤销的复制权利, 分发, 发布, 展示这些内容,并有权从您的内容中创建衍生作品, 编辑或修改这些内容,并将这些内容用于任何VMC目的.
- 你应该捍卫, 赔偿, 并持有VMC及其公司附属公司及其各自的官员, 董事, 员工, 承包商, 代理, 继承人和受让人免受侵害, 并应及时偿还, 任何及所有损失, 索赔, 损害赔偿, 定居点, 成本, and liabilities of any nature whatsoever (including reasonable attorneys' fees) to which any of them may become subject arising out of, 基于, 作为…的结果, 或以任何方式与, 您在社交媒体网站上发布的任何内容, 任何第三方对侵权或违反本政策的索赔.
- 您明确承认您承担与安全相关的所有责任, 隐私, 以及在互联网上发送任何内容所固有的保密风险. 就其本质而言, a website AND THE INTERNET cannot be absolutely protected against intentional or malicious intrusion attempts. VMC does not control the THIRD PARTY SITES and the Internet over which you may choose to send confidential personal or health information OR OTHER CONTENT and, 因此, VMC DOES NOT WARRANT ANY SAFEGUARD AGAINST ANY such interceptions or compromises to your information. 在互联网上发布任何内容时, you should think carefully about your own privacy in disclosing detailed or private information about yourself and your family. 此外, VMC不认可任何产品, 服务, 在社交媒体网站上显示的观点或内容.
- You agree that any claim or dispute relating to your 发布 of any content on a VMC Social Media Site on the internet shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of 华盛顿 without regard to its conflict of laws provisions and you agree to be bound and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the local, 位于金县的州或联邦法院, 华盛顿.
- You may not provide any content to a VMC Social Media Site that contains any product or service endorsements or any content that may be construed as political lobbying, solicitations or contributions or use the Social Media Site to link to any sites or political candidates or parties or use the Social Media Site to discuss political campaigns, 问题或对任何立法或法律采取立场.
- 本政策可随时更新,恕不另行通知, 每次用户访问VMC社交网站, 新政策将规范使用, 投寄后生效. 为了保持合规性,VMC建议您定期查看此政策. 在这些新条款发布后继续发布任何内容, 您接受并同意对本政策的任何及所有此类修改.